The Association for Finnish Work has awarded the Key Flag Symbol to Sarlin’s compressed air services in recognition of their high level of domestic production.
Working with our partners, we want to develop the best solutions for a safe and energy-efficient future. Our solutions help our customers reduce their carbon footprint by saving energy and replacing fossil fuels, for example.
We believe that happy and healthy people create the best solutions and produce the most added value for stakeholders. To achieve this, we significantly invest in occupational safety, well-being at work, and the development of our corporate culture.
Sustainability focus areas
At Sarlin, sustainability means including environmental sustainability, social sustainability and good governance in all of our activities and operations.
Our sustainability work is focused on three high-value areas: healthy environment and sustainable development, healthy work community and satisfied stakeholders, and good governance.
Sustainability highlights
Sustainability is the cornerstone of our work. We are committed to continuously developing environmentally friendly practices, our work community’s well-being, and our stakeholder relations. Our success is apparent from our excellent sustainability review scores, which serve as concrete evidence of our progress.
We commissioned a Master’s thesis, published in 2023, to analyse the carbon footprint of Sarlin and the carbon handprint (beneficial climate impacts) of our key technologies.
Find out more about our sustainability highlights.
Sustainability management
Our management system meets the requirements of international standards:
- ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management Systems
- ISO 14001:2015, Environmental Management Systems
Our way of working
Sustainability regocnitions
Finnish compressed air
What's New
Saavutimme hopeaa EcoVadis-vastuullisuusarvioinnissa!
Sarlinin hiilikädenjälki on mitatusti positiivinen – Sarlin Oy Ab
Sarlinin henkilöstötutkimuksen tulokset kertovat hienosta kehityksestä - Sarlin Oy Ab
Sarlinin palvelut pienentävät ilmastovaikutuksia mitattavasti - Sarlin Oy Ab
Contact Us
Eija Halonen
Quality manager