We provide comprehensive solutions for your automation needs and rapidly evolving industrial environments. Our deep understanding of industrial business makes us experts in production automation, data collection, and data refining.
Automation and Digital Solutions
We are a Finnish family-owned company dedicated to providing a first-class customer experience and reliable industrial automation solutions. With over 80 years of experience as a trusted automation partner, we serve industrial companies worldwide.
Modern solutions and a wide range of products
We provide a variety of services, including:
• Component selection
• Product and service delivery
• Training
• Commissioning
• Maintenance
We import and supply components and systems for machine and process automation, IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), and safety applications.
Our typical customers are
• Machine builders
• System integrators
• Process industry operators
• Production plants
• Fire and rescue services
We focus our selection on product packages that support safety, the green transition and digitalisation.
Our Solutions
Energy industry
Machine and process automation
Machine safety
Forest industry
Internet of Things (IoT)
Mechanical engineering
Metal industry
Technology and electronics
Custom Product Solutions for Your Needs
Our automation products help you
- Build products with excellent quality and safety
- Measure and optimise your production and reduce emissions
- Ensure the occupational safety of your personnel
- Maintain the performance and measuring accuracy of your equipment
Examples of our selection:
- Next-generation fixed and portable gas alarms
- Lone working safety equipment
- A wide range of machine safety products and energy- and process automation measuring solutions
Reputable, high-quality brands
We have long-term and intensive partnerships with leading European and US manufacturers.
In Finland, we are the exclusive representative of Hans Turck and Banner Engineering, whose extensive and developing selections we have worked with for decades
Blackline Safety, Fortress Safety and Honeywell are familiar names to our customers as well.
Our IIoT selection includes Red Lion, MB Connectline, Iconics, and more. The Sarlin Balance compressed air solution is built on the Iconics platform, which gives us hands-on experience of the platform’s versatility.
The biggest energy and process industry measurement brands we represent are Aquametro, Delta Mobrey, Watlow, and SpotSee.
All of our partners comply with EU directives and Finland’s national legislation as well as the Sarlin Supplier Code of Conduct. Our Supplier Code of Conduct covers manufacturing, working conditions, and the origin of raw materials, for example.
Asiakastarina: CABB Oy
CABB Oy:n Kokkolan tehdas on kasvinsuojeluaineiden ja lääketeollisuuden väliaineiden rahtivalmistaja. Vaativissa kemiallisissa reaktioissa syntyviä jätevesiä varten alueella on ongelmajätteenpolttolaitos, jonka pieni, mutta tärkeä osa on Sarlinin toimittama infrapunapyrometri.