What can you do if gas pipelines run dry?
Now is the time to choose solutions that can replace Russian natural gas and improve the security of supply.
In 2022, the discourse on national security of supply has practically changed overnight. Europe is now looking for solutions that could help sever its ties to Russian energy. Sanctions are now directing energy policy, and Russia has threatened to turn off the tap if payments are not made in roubles.
The situation has quickly evolved in Finland as well. Finland’s National Emergency Supply Agency issued a preliminary warning in May 2022 that Russian gas may not be available for long. At the end of the month, Gazprom cut off gas imports to Finland, citing contract disputes and other reasons.
No one can see into the future, but it is clear as day that natural gas will not flow from Russia like it used to. The entire energy industry is facing a transition where the strategic focus is moving away from Russian trade and fossil fuels.
The good news is that flexible solutions already exist for replacing natural gas imports. The foremost is LNG, liquefied natural gas.
LNG has long been discussed as a fuel of the future, and now the future has arrived. The global demand for LNG is expected to double over the next few years, which probably also means investments in new energy technology.
Read on to learn how LNG contributes to energy security and how Sarlin can serve your company in LNG projects.